The Scream, created in 1893 by Edvard Munch, eminent Norwegian expressionism artist, portrays a queer, human-like creature screaming in agony. The Scream is Munch’s most well-known work andcontains expressions of anguish, isolation, and fear. Similar to Caspar David Friedrich, Munch also believed that a piece of art should reflect the painter’s perspective on the subject (Arthur).
Munch creates the scene in the painting with a surreal style, forming the ocean and the sky with thick strokes of lurid colors. The ironic combination of vividness and simplicity of the background conveys a powerful yet crude feeling for the scene depicted. This feeling complements those of the screaming figure whose distorted figure seems to experience extreme yet primitive anguish. This irony and crudeness renders The Scream a powerful piece of work that would effect generations to come.
Edvard Munch had a tragic life and suffered from numerous misfortunes; he often used art as a medium to express his grief. Munch suffered from a phobia of open space and the fear expressed by the main figure is a depiction of Munch’s feeling when a severe discomfort suddenly overcame him while he was walking with two friends (Labedzki). He wrote in his diary in 1982, describing the scene using the words:
“I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy -
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red.
I stopped, and leaned against the railing, deathly tired -
looking out across the flaming clouds that hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town. My friends walked on – I stood there, trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature.”
The anguish that The Scream shows is also an outburst of the agony that Munch suffered from disease, deaths of his loved ones, and insanity (Labedzki).
The painting clearly connects to the overall theme of “Dark Dreams: Painful Memories.” Although an actual event inspired Munch’s creation of The Scream, it is evident that the painting does not describe a physical scene. In fact, the painting conveys a hallucination, or dreamlike experience produced by Munch’s strained mental state. The distortion of both the background and the character in the painting only further emphasize that the painting portrays an emotion inspired by his natural phobia and painful experiences.
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